General Rehabilitation Division

Prof. Rafi Heruti- Director, Rehabilitation Division and the Center for Sexual Health
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The General Rehabilitation Division is the core of the Reuth TLV Rehabilitation Hospital and within its framework top quality rehabilitation treatment is provided as a result of which the hospital has become famous. The supreme objective which guides the professional staff in the division for all rehabilitation processes from diseases and through to traumatic events is to return to the patients the abilities that they lost and to enable them an optimal quality of life.
Every rehabilitation process is customized for each patient personally and is provided by skilled and experienced professionals. After the professional assessment stage, the team develops a personal treatment program that is customized to the needs and the unique physical and emotional condition of the patient. By their nature the rehabilitation treatments are multi-professional and during them use is made of the most advanced treatment methods and the most innovative technologies.
The uniqueness of the division is in its therapeutic approach which places the patient in the center. In the spirit of this concept the General Rehabilitation Division creates similar age environments based on the type of injury. Thus patients of similar age are placed in the same room and can create natural friendships, support each other, maintain a high level of motivation and draw strength from each other. From our experience this approach enables the creation of emotional availability for the rehabilitation work, turns the hospital stay into a more pleasant one and helps the patients to enlist body and soul in the rehabilitation process.
The therapeutic approach also continues in the rooms themselves when in each room there are no more than 2 patients and it has an en suite shower room and toilet.
Neurological rehabilitation
A neurological injury could cause, amongst others, difficulties in movement, speech, cognition, memory and social ability. The rehabilitation treatment is designed to return to the patient his physical and cognitive functions, and return him to full family and social life as far as possible.
Orthopaedic rehabilitation
An orthopaedic injury could be expressed by damage to the skeletal bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and/or joints. This damage causes difficulties in movement and the main objective of the rehabilitation treatment is one: to return to the patient optimal movement ability, functioning and mobility.
Those hospitalized in the Rehabilitation Division benefit from treatment using the most advanced multidisciplinary approach. The therapeutic approach combines dedicated nursing and medical treatment 24/7, with rehabilitation the objective of which is to return to the patient most of the abilities that were lost following the injury.
The recovery process starts with the first step of returning to consciousness and re-acquiring abilities. This initial stage also entails the emotional ramifications for those suffering from head injuries, who find themselves suddenly in an unfamiliar situation and a new and threatening reality. Therefore, the multi-professional treatment relates not only to the physical condition but also to the emotional condition and treats all the needs of every patient, according to his condition.
The rehabilitation process includes a wide range of treatments:
Occupational therapy
Speech therapy
Rehabilitation psychology
Nutrition and diet
Therapeutic occupation
Therapy by music
Therapy with the aid of animals
Social work
Those hospitalized also have the option of receiving additional services within the framework of clinics for example sexual therapy and rehabilitation, eating disorders therapy and treatment for chronic pain.
Being an integral part of the patient’s emotional configuration, the family also receive close support and empathy by the medical and nursing team and professional support of the social worker.
Research and academic activity
The Rehabilitation Division of the Reuth TLV Rehabilitation Hospital is affiliated to the Faculty of Medicine of the Tel Aviv University and it is a recognized institute for internship of physicians in rehabilitation medicine. As such, the division conducts active and diverse research activity and serves as a center for practical training for students in the health professions. Furthermore, the specialists of the division lecture in academic institutes and other hospitals.
The team
The paramedical multidisciplinary team offers those injured rehabilitation treatment that advance their cognitive and motor abilities and improve their wellbeing and the quality of their life.
The team gets to know each patient personally and responds immediately to any signs of distress, even the slightest of them. The physicians and nursing teams who are all professional with extensive experience in the field do all that they are able in order to alleviate the suffering of the patients and maintain human dignity at all times.
Arrangement with
Rehabilitation in hospitalization
- General Rehabilitation Division
- The Respiratory Rehabilitation Division
- The Head Injuries Rehabilitation Ward
- Geriatric Rehabilitation Division
- The Paediatric Ward
- The Therapeutic Occupation Unit
- Treatment of Communication Disorders Unit
- The Occupational Therapy Unit
- The Continuum of Care Unit
- The Physiotherapy Unit
- The Nutrition and Dietary Unit
- Nursing
- Social Services
- Educational Framework
Clinics and Institutes
Research & Development
Community Services
Location map

Private car
Hahayil st 2 Tel-Aviv

Bus lines
2, 7, 15, 16, 31, 34, 35, 37, 46, 52, 54, 59, 104, 452, 475, 717

a train
Tel Aviv -"HaHagana" Train Station, within walking distance
Contact To Reuth Rehabilitation Hospital