Rehabilitation of the IDF Wounded
בית » קליניקות » Clinics and Institutes » Rehabilitation of the IDF Wounded
Reuth Tel Aviv Rehabilitation Hospital provides advanced rehabilitation services to wounded IDF soldiers.
Each patient benefits from a personalized rehabilitation program, designed by top rehabilitation experts in Israel. The treatment plan considers the full spectrum of the individual’s physical and emotional needs, including support and accompaniment to his/her family throughout the entire rehabilitation process.
Within each treatment framework, patients receive care from multidisciplinary professionals in the fields of rehabilitation, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, nutrition, psychology, social work, horticultural therapy, complementary medicine, and more. The team sets rehabilitation goals, carries out evaluations to assess progress, and works closely with the patient and his/her family.
Treatment Frameworks for IDF Soldiers
- Day Rehabilitation Center: the center offers a multidisciplinary treatment framework that allows patients to undergo intensive treatment several times a week on an outpatient basis, thus enabling them to live at home and maintain their familiar routines as much as possible. The center treats patients suffering from spinal cord injuries, head injuries, chronic pain, complex orthopedic problems, and more.
- Pain Institute: the institute provides treatment to individuals suffering from chronic and acute pain, including complex regional pain syndrome. The treatment combines drug therapies, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, complementary therapy, art therapy, and psychological support when necessary. Some of the specific treatments include x-ray-guided joint and spine injections, nerve block injections, radiofrequency ablation, epidural injections, magnesium infusions, and more.
- Center for Sexual Health: the center’s staff have many years of experience in providing sexual rehabilitation (addressing its physical, social, and emotional aspects) to individuals suffering from PTSD – a large number of whom are IDF soldiers. The staff includes doctors from a variety of specialties including rehabilitation, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, family, medicine, and psychology alongside physiotherapists, social workers, nurses, and therapists specializing in art, psychodrama, complementary medicine, and more.
- Medical Cannabis Clinic: the clinic issues prescriptions and licenses to possess and use medical cannabis, and offers continuous professional support aligned with the standards set by the Ministry of Health. The clinic is staffed by senior rehabilitation physicians and specialists in pain management.
- Complementary Medicine Unit: the unit offers an array of complementary medicine treatments including acupuncture, Feldenkrais, Tuina, massage therapy, reflexology, and more. These are holistic practices that improve rehabilitation outcomes by alleviating stress, anxiety, depression, hypertension, insomnia, pain, and more.
- Rehabilitation Yoga: qualified facilitations carry out individual and group sessions in Iyengar Yoga to support our patients’ rehabilitation process and help them restore function for daily living.
Rehabilitation of mild and moderate head injuries
Mild and moderate head injuries can carry serious consequences, and yet they are often overlooked especially in combat. At Reuth TLV, we have extensive experience in providing rehabilitation for these injuries. The treatment is given within the framework of the day rehabilitation center and does not require hospitalization.
The treatment program includes:
- Assessment by a rehabilitation physician
- Assessment of vestibular and motor function by a physiotherapist
- Assessment of visual function, cognitive abilities, memory, attention, concentration, planning and sequencing by an occupational therapist
- Neuropsychological assessment and emotional therapy
- Pain management
- Regulating sleep quality
Information and contact
For more information, contact Lital Itschaki, Head of Outpatient Administration
050-8692292, 073-2701663
Arrangement with
Rehabilitation in hospitalization
- General Rehabilitation Division
- The Respiratory Rehabilitation Division
- The Head Injuries Rehabilitation Ward
- Geriatric Rehabilitation Division
- The Paediatric Ward
- The Therapeutic Occupation Unit
- Treatment of Communication Disorders Unit
- The Occupational Therapy Unit
- The Continuum of Care Unit
- The Physiotherapy Unit
- The Nutrition and Dietary Unit
- Nursing
- Social Services
- Educational Framework
Clinics and Institutes
Research & Development
Community Services
Location map

Private car
Hahayil st 2 Tel-Aviv

Bus lines
2, 7, 15, 16, 31, 34, 35, 37, 46, 52, 54, 59, 104, 452, 475, 717

a train
Tel Aviv -"HaHagana" Train Station, within walking distance
Contact To Reuth Rehabilitation Hospital