The three day centers for seniors operated by Reuth – Reich, Mitchell and HaKerem – are currently assisted by approximately 150 active volunteers. The volunteers perform a wide range of important tasks: some conduct classes, lectures or workshops for the elderly members, while others help out at the dining room (at HaKerem), the coffee shop (at Reich) or the reception desks. Many volunteers are themselves members of the Centers, and the rest include dedicated Israelis of all ages: retirees who discover that volunteering fills their time and their hearts, students who receive scholarships in return for contributing to the community, high school students taking part in Israel’s Personal Commitment program, and young men and women doing their National Service or voluntary Service Year.
For more information regarding volunteering options please contact Reuth Volunteer Coordinator Orit Skolnik on 972-(0)54-679-1964 or at [email protected]